Elko New Market Event/Celebration Photographer: Stella's Third Birthday Party

Have your cake and eat it too

I often hear the refrain: "I know, I should put this camera down and enjoy myself." My answer to that is. Go ahead, do it!

Anthologie specializes in capturing life's important moments as they  happen. I recently had the pleasure of working with one of my favorite clients who understands this approach well. They had me out to photograph the third birthday party of their daughter, Stella.

Rather than fret about the lighting conditions or fumble through f-stops and shutter speeds, the family was free to simply enjoy the day and have plenty of time to talk with all of those who showed up to share in the celebration. Believe me, it's hard enough to manage a big party: keeping refreshments - well - refreshed, serving food based on every child's specific allergies, and staying on task to meet the needs of demanding nap schedules.

While the hosts had enough to keep them busy, at least they could take one responsibility off of their plates and let the professional handle getting all the best pictures of the birthday party.

Are you planning your own special celebration? Please contact us today so that you can enjoy each and every moment. We'll make sure you have meaningful memories preserved so you can relive the event always. You can call direct, 952-232-5830.

Please let us know what you think of these photos, and if you like what you see, comment or share using the handy-dandy links at the bottom of this post. Thanks so much for visiting!

Duluth, MN Engagement Photographer | Mike and Melissa

Mike and Melissa are ready for the unexpected

A police officer has to be ready at a moment’s notice; toiling behind a desk on paperwork one minute and called to an emergency the next. The work can be physically demanding, stressful and dangerous — the perfect recipe for those up for adventure.

Embracing the unexpected is one of the many reasons why Mike Schantzen was attracted to law enforcement. He was first exposed to the field through criminal justice courses while studying business at St. Cloud State University. There, Mike had grown tired of the prospect of life in a corporate setting.

He wasn’t sure what his next move would be, but it became clear his sophomore year while mountain biking with a friend who was then a Sheriff’s Deputy (now Mike’s commander). Mike had some insight to a career in law enforcement thanks to his schooling, but he wanted to know more about the job.

His friend was happy to entertain his questioning, which only piqued his interest further. Soon, Mike had scheduled a ride-along with another deputy to experience the job firsthand, and after that, he was hooked. Mike became a Community Service Officer (CSO) in 2002, and by early 2005, he was already working as a deputy for the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office.

“(Being in law enforcement is) better than sitting behind a desk every day,” Mike said. “You always get to get out and do something different.”

Part of that something different is engaging with new people on the job every day. So when co-workers first suggested that Mike go out on a date with fellow officer Melissa Wistrom he was receptive. After all, good or bad, he was always up for a new experience.

One and the Same

Melissa was also on a different path when she was first exposed to law enforcement. She was studying to be a high school social studies teacher at the University of Minnesota when some criminal justice classes pushed her in a new direction.

“I really enjoyed the sociological aspect of why groups of people do things,” Melissa said. “But I wasn’t sure what I would want to do with (a degree in criminal justice).”

A friend discovered an internship for Melissa as a crime prevention specialist, which piqued her interest, and soon Melissa was doing ride-alongs and was taking a shine to police work.

With a bachelor’s degree from the U of M in hand, Melissa enrolled in the law enforcement program at Metro State University. Just like Mike, she began as a CSO and was hired on by the City of Ramsey Police Department after she finished school.

In addition to the diverse workload, Melissa said she enjoyed the camaraderie within the department. It was common for officers to go out and talk shop after their shifts concluded. One night in fall 2008, Melissa’s conversation with her patrol partner, Brad Bluml, turned more personal. He, Melissa and a deputy, Justin Sabo, met for drinks at The Penalty Box Bar & Grill in Ramsey and were talking about relationships.

Knowing that Melissa was a family person and enjoyed staying active outdoors, Justin suggested his patrol partner Mike Schantzen would be a perfect fit for Melissa. The two worked for the same county but in different departments so they hadn’t crossed paths.

“It was the first time I had ever heard of who Mike was,” Melissa said. “(Brad) gave me an 80 percent chance that Mike and I were going to get married.”

Melissa wasn’t so optimistic about her odds. The three friends talked briefly about Mike and Melissa connecting, but then dropped it completely. Justin, however, decided to fill Mike in on the conversation when he returned to work.

The Penalty Box

Mike learned of his cohorts attempts to be matchmakers but didn’t think much about it. About three weeks later, though, he stopped in at The Penalty Box to meet up with friends and saw Melissa for the first time. She sat across the table from Mike and stood out despite being surrounded by about 10 other officers.

“I thought she was really cute,” Mike said. “I think it was her eyes and her smile, but the rest of her is pretty cute, too!”

Mike also caught Melissa’s attention.

“I noticed his very blue eyes from across the table!” Melissa said. “‘I wonder if that’s the Mike Brad and Justin were talking about?’ I thought.”

The large group wasn’t conducive for the two to get to know each other, so the next day Mike reached out to Melissa using an internal department message system. Despite some initial chitchat about work, nothing was set into motion.

It would be a few more weeks before the two would see each other again. This time, it was for Melissa’s birthday party at the end of November. And yet again, a large group of people, including college friends and co-workers, stifled Mike and Melissa from getting to know each other. Mike put an end to that the next day.

He used the internal network again to see if Melissa was on her shift. She was, and he asked her out for coffee. Their two shifts didn’t coincide, but Melissa agreed to meet him the next afternoon.


Mike and Melissa finally had a chance to meet one-on-one on a blustery November afternoon at the Dunn Brothers coffee house in Anoka. Both were on break during their shifts so they had plenty to talk about in addition to the normal, get-to-know-you small talk.

The common ground of police work helped to easily propel the conversation, and before too long, both had to get going back to their shifts.

“It was just the two of us so we were forced to have a conversation the entire time, but it never felt forced.” Melissa said.

Before the two departed, Mike asked Melissa for her phone number, which she gleefully doled out. By the next week, they had decided on an official first date.

Mike asked Melissa out to the Holidazzle Parade, a stunning display of twinkling lights and fairy-tale characters brought to life with festive floats, in downtown Minneapolis on Dec. 18, 2008. Mike had never been to the event, but was aware of the parade’s romantic qualities, Melissa had actually been in the parade as a member of the color guard in the past and was excited when Mike suggested it for their date.

After braving the wind chill, the two warmed up at Brit’s Pub nearby, where their conversation continued to effortlessly flow. The two realized they had much more in common than their day jobs, including a fondness for camping, canoeing and biking.

When the date ended, those connections helped make the 30-mile drive home pass by in a flash. Mike walked Melissa up to her door and the two shared their first kiss. Mike suggested they go on another date, but made no definite plans at the time.

The two received encouraging news, though, when they began to look at going out in the future. Both had bid on their work schedules the year before. As luck would have it, the two shared the same shifts, making it a cinch to go hiking at area parks on their off days or plan a last-minute ski trip.

“Whenever we were off it was: What are you doing? Let’s go do something,” Mike said.

They both enjoyed the exercise and fresh air of being outdoors, as well as the escape from the taxing work of law enforcement, so it seemed like the two were always active in nature. Before long, the mini excursions turned into more serious dates and meeting each other’s families.

“I wasn’t looking for anyone else,” Mike said.

The Journey Continues

In 2010, Mike and Melissa were well into their groove. Their careers were going well, and Mike was soon to accept his position as Detective for the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office. The couple had been dating for more than two years and survived the spells where their work schedules were completely opposite. Their relationship worked naturally and was better than any either had experienced in the past. It wasn’t long before Melissa was dropping not-so-subtle clues at jewelry stores for Mike (just how many times depends on who you ask).

For Christmas that year, Mike and Melissa traveled to Kauai with some friends. The journey would prove to be remarkable for more than the fact that it was their first vacation out of state together. Mike had packed an engagement ring along with his luggage.

While exploring the verdant peaks on the island’s Na Pali coast, Mike knew he had found the perfect location for the proposal. As the group descended a coastline trail and approached Ke’e Beach near sunset, Mike covertly informed their friends that he needed a moment alone. He suggested they watch the sun dip below the horizon from the shore, while he and Melissa stayed above to take in the view.

The couple had talked about getting engaged “someday,” and when Melissa found her friends venturing down to the coast while she and Mike stayed high up on the trail, she thought perhaps that day had come.

As they stared out into the Pacific, Mike walked behind Melissa and embraced her.

“Do you know what today is?” he asked.

Melissa said she was confused by the question and could only muster: “The 28th?”

Mike pulled the ring from his pocket, presented it to Melissa and said: “It’s someday. ... Will you marry me?”

With tears in their eyes, the weight of what had just happened hit them. They hugged, kissed and enjoyed their private moment. Melissa said yes.

They paused briefly to commemorate the moment with pictures before heading down to join their friends at the beach.

Mike said he never had any doubts about proposing.

“We get along so well. Everything seems to click. Everything bad I’d seen in my past relationships or with friends wasn’t there with us,” he said. “And she was so darn cute!”

Melissa was equally excited to accept Mike’s proposal.

“He always puts family first. He’s a very caring, loving person,” she said.

Burnsville, MN Business Photographer promotion

It's time for you to 'Take a Shot at Social Media'

Does your profile photo look dated? Are you searching for a job or new career online and want to put your best face forward? Having a current profile photo helps you to add a layer of professionalism to your résumé that words alone cannot. And for companies with a staff in place, profile pictures of your employees can bring transparency and warmth to an otherwise difficult situation of engaging with your clients in an online forum.

We can help.

Linkedin research shows that a page with a profile picture is seven times as likely to be viewed as a page without one. Update your headshot on June 21st for only $50. Anthologie is co-hosting this event in the aim of getting you noticed online.

Here's the gist of it:

• Four, 90-minute time slots available (choose one that works best for you): 9 to 10:30 a.m., 11 to 12:30 p.m., 1 to 2:30 p.m. and 3 to 4:30 p.m.

• During your reserved time there will be a presentation on how to get better results for your business or career with Linkedin

• You will receive a brief portrait session on location

• These are not boring, stand-in-front-of-a-backdrop profile photos. We will create engaging images that show off your personality.

• Included in your registration fee is the rights to use two unique photo files (plus, black-and-white and color versions of these files)

• Final photo files will be electronically transferred to you so you can start using them with your online profiles

• Bring business cards, as there will be time to meet other business professionals from the area just like you

• You must pre-register for this event online

How to Register: minnmedia-eorg.eventbrite.com

Cost: $50 covers everything

Where: JoJo's Rise & Wine, 12501 Nicollet Ave # 100  Burnsville, MN

Questions: e-mail event coordinator Kari Switala, kari@magnetikmarketingsolutions.com

Did I mention that this is a huge savings from Anthologie's typical on-location professional portrait sessions? You actually save more than 60 percent of what is normally our most basic package. So what are you waiting for? Register today!

Minneapolis Photojournalist | Father's Day Photo Promotion

As you're wandering the corridors of your favorite big box store on Father's Day eve this year, think to yourself: "Does dad really need another World's Best Dad chef's apron? Or another tie to add to his collection of formal wear he avoids like the Plague?" The answer is no.

Dads are good at doing man stuff, like fixing things with duct tape, brewing their own craft beers, and creating fishing lures. You know, MacGyver style, with a paper clip and thread ripped from his shirt sleeve. And they work, too!

So this year, instead of getting dad a gift that says you had no clue what else to get him this Father's Day, get him a meaningful surprise that will stand the test of time: a photo session that documents dad working on his favorite hobby.

Whether your dad plays guitar or rebuilds transmissions for fun, we will simply tag along and let the man do what he does best. And before you know it, we'll create some amazing pictures that celebrate your dad's unique talent and show that you truly know what makes him special.

Contact us before Father's Day (which is Sunday, June 17, 2012, by the way), and tell us you'd like the Man Cave Special. You'll receive an awesome photo session at an even better price, and you'll have until July 31, 2012, to then schedule your actual photo session. So, what do you get in this manly collection?

• Up to one hour of on-location photography in the Twin Cities

• Up to four individuals participating in the session ($25 for each additional person)

• Edits and enhancements of your best pictures (you know, like the nifty B&W and muted colors you see in this post)

• A password-protected online gallery for photo sharing and convenient ordering

• Usually about 100 finished photo files!

• All your best images on CD with the copyrights to make unlimited 4x6s on your own

• The satisfaction of knowing you thought of the best gift this year

What's it cost? $100 (save $50)

The non-so-fine print: You don't actually need to be a dad to get in on this deal. If your man rides Harleys and you want cool pictures of him tinkering on the motor, we can do that. Just let us know if you have any questions: info@theanthologie.com

So what are you waiting for? Reserve your session today!

Minneapolis Wedding Photographer | Terrae and Jack

You know when people say: "Everything happens for a reason?" That's exactly what went through my mind when I first received an inquiry last November from Terrae and Jack about their upcoming wedding. The wedding was set for less than two months away, and they were without a photographer. They had just discovered the photographer that worked with them on their engagement pictures would be traveling out of the country until the day prior to the January nuptials. Knowing that Minnesota winters can be unpredictable and that a winter storm could easily play havoc with travel plans, Terrae and Jack decided they would be more comfortable with a photographer set to be in Minneapolis.

I was shocked, because just days before I received the couple's message I had my own plans to be photographing a wedding out of the country on the date of Terrae's and Jack's ceremony. And instead, I had just discovered I would in fact be home in Minneapolis. When the couple mentioned they would be having their reception at Brit's Pub, www.britspub.com , I knew we were meant to work together. You see, I had proposed to my wife just across the street at Peavy Plaza, and in the winter months when the twinkling lights of Nicollet Mall were at their most magical. Though this was all through one electronic communication, I felt a connection to Terrae and Jack, and I could already start to envision their pictures out on the Mall.

I loved how Terrae and Jack chose to have the pictures of their first moment in the Crystal Court at IDS Center in downtown Minneapolis. Their reactions were fantastic and the real emotion they showed for one another was moving.

I don't pretend to know a thing about dresses (I am a man, after all), so I don't know the designer, but doesn't Terrae look like she stepped out a classic Hollywood movie in this vintage-inspired gown?

Terrae and Jack exchanged vows at the Marquette Hotel in Minneapolis.

One of my favorite moments of the day happend while we were en route to the reception venue. The photojournalist in me is always ready to capture the unexpected, so when I saw this trumpet player in the skyway, I knew we had great opportunity for some impromptu photos. Terrae and Jack decided to share a dance right then and there and create some stunning images that move beyond your typical wedding pictures.

Most of these location choices were not planned, especially since we were working with no natural light. With the sun setting at around 5 p.m. for this Minneapolis winter wedding, we had to make do with what was available, including this vestibule, upper left, near Target on Nicollet Mall.

One of the images that was in my mind, above, when I first read Terrae's and Jack's inquiry seeking a photographer for their January wedding. I just had to do this photo, because I proposed to my wife only about 20 yards from where the couple is standing! I knew that the holiday lights would warm up the background on this frigid evening.

The casual vibe of hosting a wedding reception at Brit's Pub was right up my alley. Kicking back with a couple of pints while playing shuffle board or catching up with friends by the fire seemed like a perfect way to celebrate the start of a beautiful relationship. Don't you wish you were a guest? Congratulations, Terrae and Jack!

Click HERE to view more photos from this wedding. Thanks for viewing! If you like what you see, please share and comment below.