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Burnsville Linkedin Photographer

headshots_blog2 Ready to take your career to the next level, or are you just getting started on your career path? Either way, you'll want to make sure your Linkedin profile is up to date. To complete your online profile you'll need an updated, professional bio picture. Business portraits can help you to build trust with potential clients and employers. Right now, Anthologie is offering headshots at an amazing value to get your fall started with your best face forward.

Join us for Headshot Happy Hour 9 a.m. to noon, Thursday, Sept. 18 at the Grande Market Place courtyard, 12700 Nicollet Avenue, Burnsville, MN.

What is it: a 10 to 15 minute portrait session with professional photographer Dan Iverson

What do I get: 2 unique photos, retouched and edited, electronically delivered in print and web resolution, plus black and white and color versions

What about copyrights: you can use your photos as you wish: Linkedin, business cards, company websites, promotional products, etc.

What does it cost: $50 (regularly $150)

What's the catch: No catch, but this fantastic value is available on Thursday, Sept. 18 only

Do I need to register: Walk-ups will be accepted, but those with scheduled appointments will get preferred session times and will not have to wait

How do I RSVP: Call 952-232-5830 to set up or time or email info (at) theanthologie.com

What do I wear: We think it's best to dress for the job you want, not the job you already have. Think about the image you want to project to others and dress accordingly.

• Jackets and coats that are crisp and fitted photograph the best

• Dressing in layers is always a great option for multiple looks

• Solid colors rather than busy patterns add an air of sophistication

• Dark and neutral colors are great for outerwear

So, I have a new photo — Now, what do I do with it?

We have the perfect idea! Why not get some professional training on how to utilize Linkedin to work for you? Our friends at Wild Fig Marketing are actually hosting an education event on the same day — and just around the corner from where we will be providing photos.

You'll Learn: 
  1. How to create a powerhouse profile that speaks directly to your IDEAL client
  2. How to use advanced prospecting strategies (including the new publishing platform)
  3. How to increase the number of referrals you receive in just 15-20 min a week

Click HERE to learn more or to register.

Thanks for viewing!

A lesson in brevity

Feeling locked up indoors with a nasty cold all week, I decided I needed an excuse to get outside. So, today, I decided to create the 3.5.11 Project and challenge my own conceptions about the art of photography, and perhaps your own.

The rules: Create 3 final images in 5 minutes or less, and have all the edits and post production on the photographs made in 11 minutes or less. Sounds easy, right? Not so fast.

This exercise was done in part to whip me back into the shape I was in as a news photographer. With demanding deadlines, shooters like myself didn't/don't have much time to dillydally around on assignment. I, and others like myself, would often lament that only with sufficient time to work with the subject of a story can quality results be achieved.

The trouble is, when you become your own boss, you create your own deadlines — or lack thereof. It can be a challenge to move quickly when no one is above you telling you to hurry your ass up.

To make the necessary images in less than 5 minutes required a bit of planning, meaning, I at least needed a theme to work on before I got going. I decided on "transitions" for a theme, thinking the change of winter to spring outside should afford many opportunities for images.

I didn't limit myself to one lens or one aperture, or anything. After all, I was trying to get into my photojournalism mode, where decisions on what lens, ISO ratings and shutter speeds need to be made swiftly.

I actually used a stopwatch to perform the exercise, and even I was shocked just how quick 5 minutes can go. I spent 3 min. 22 seconds photographing the ice melt on my sidewalk before I even thought to look at the clock. The next two images were made quite quickly.

Once I got inside to upload and edit the images, I was happier with the results than I expected, but I could definitely see that I didn't have enough time to work with the composition of my last image, the one of the dead and decomposing bird in my backyard. I was particularly upset that I didn't move just a bit further away to get more of the rock forms on the left side of the frame.

The post-production work was actually pretty smooth. I came in at 10 minutes 24 seconds, having the raw images exported from Lightroom and resized for this web post. I even had a minute or two to rework the melting snow mound image in PhotoShop before resaving to beat the clock.

So, what did I learn?

1. It's still best to get everything good on-camera to save time editing. While I was pleased with the images, I realized that if it hadn't been for the clock counting down on my monitor, I probably could have spent another half hour in PhotoShop tweaking tiny details in the melting snow mound image.

2. I need to continue to do more photography for myself.

3. I'm still not over my cold.

4. Most importantly, spending more time on a project doesn't necessarily make it better. I remember one of my former editors saying my biggest challenge was learning to accept when my work is "good enough." He said he admired how I would want my work to be the best, but sometimes you just have to remember it's going to be replaced by another edition tomorrow.

I still find myself doing this for my clients — working hours and hours editing images, reworking a story, or redoing a design. And as you can see, I also need a lesson in brevity when it comes to writing. So, does spending more time on something make it better or more valuable than something done quickly? You be the judge.

Anthologie is movin' on up!

Please excuse our dust.

Anthologie is moving even closer to you!

As of March 17, 2010, Anthologie will no longer be based out of our offices and gallery at 18 Bridge Square in Northfield. We're moving 20 miles north to make it easier than before to meet face to face with our clients.

So why the move?

About one year ago, Anthologie embarked on a journey to operate in historic downtown Northfield. From the beginning, the venture was a test to see how we can best serve you — our clients. With a year lease on our building, the storefront would serve akin to a business incubator.

While it has certainly been fun and a worthwhile learning experience, we've discovered the move mostly serviced our egos rather than the needs and desires of our client base.

Anthologie, since its inception, has been dedicated to documenting your life's moments — both large and small — as they happen. That means we come to you on your terms, meeting and working at locations that make sense and are most convenient to you. Thus, our gallery and offices aren't necessary to provide you with the service you've come to expect from Anthologie.

We're excited to bring you a new home showroom in the coming weeks for those clients who still desire to see our larger product offerings in a relaxed and realistic environment.

More on these changes is coming soon.

Keep letting it snow

snow_collin The Anthologie "Let it Snow" promotion deadline has been extended to Dec. 31, 2009.

Though the weather has been frightful, the amount of snow on the ground has been less than delightful. I want to give all families the opportunity to see how different and exciting an outdoor photo session can be -- even in bitter cold temperatures. So, contact me via the contact form on this website any time this month and tell me you want to "Let it Snow." Then take your pick on two great ways to save: 1. get an image disc with photos printable to 4x6 inches or 2. get (25) holiday greeting cards featuring your favorite images. All this plus your on-location photo session and online proofing for a special price of $150. Contact me today!

Save 50 percent with "Let it Snow"

The weather outside may be frightful ... but it makes for photographs so delightful. It may be balmy today, but we know all that can change with a blink of an eye. However, we Minnesotans are hearty and we're not going to let a few snow flakes scare us, are we? Are we?!! I didn't think so.letitsnowc2

It's time to get outside and have some fun. Whether it's sunny, foggy, muddy or snowy - great images can be made no matter the conditions. After all, the best photographs are all about emotion, not scenery. But if you're still a little wary of being photographed in a farm field or blizzard conditions, don't fret. I have an incentive ...

Schedule your "Let it Snow" holiday portrait session today and save 50 percent. All you need to do is contact me by 5 p.m. Dec. 4 using the contact form on this website to receive this discount. And if you contact me by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 27 (Black Friday) you'll also receive a complimentary CD (printable to 4x6 inches) of your images with reproduction rights. Meaning, you'll be able to print additional photos on your own terms - where you want, when you want.

**Photo sessions must be completed by Dec. 12 to guarantee Christmas delivery.

Am I nuts? Maybe. But I really want you to see how exciting a cold-weather photo experience can be.

Included in the "Let it Snow" Collection:

• 25 beautifully designed holiday greeting cards featuring your favorite images

• Creative fee, plus the time and talent of your photographer (30 to 60 minutes)

• Editing and enhancement of your best images

• Outdoor photography at a location of your choosing

• A password-protected website featuring a gallery of your best images, complete with convenient online ordering (posted for 30 days)

Regular price $300, Now only $150

Click HERE to see a sample and for more details.
